The region's extensive highway system is well-integrated with the Houston Airport System, four deep water seaports and the mainline railroads serving the city. Houston is at the crossroads of Interstate Highways 10, 45 and 69. I-69 is known as the "NAFTA superhighway" that will link Canada, the U.S. industrial Midwest, Texas and Mexico once complete.
Direct Flights from Houston
Companies that locate in Houston can reach almost 50 percent of the U.S. population within a 1,000-mile radius.
With its central geographic location and numerous logistical and distribution channels, learn more about what makes Houston the ideal hub for companies needing domestic and international distribution for their products.
Straightforward information to answer questions frequently asked about the Houston region - from demographics to key industries.
A critical fact-based commentary on regional economic data to help the Houston business community make informed decisions.
An in-depth look at Houston’s economy and business climate, and a key resource for companies and site selectors alike.
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